ARTEAMOR, founded in 2013, is an arts organization dedicated to providing professional arts performances and education to over 13,000 orphans, victims of abuse, survivors of trafficking and at-promise youth around the world.
ARTEAMOR initially sponsors master classes by professional artists in the orphanages, homes and community centers where the children live and study. These master classes give the basis for artistic development of the children we serve. We also provide all tools, instruments & equipment needed for the children to continue the art form they have learned. Follow up to these workshop classes happens through video chat courses with professional artists, on-line workshops and future master classes.
ARTEAMOR views the arts first as an outlet, a way to share self expression and heal past all these children have been through. ARTEAMOR then sees that the skills learned in our programs provide a path to university acceptance and/or employment.
Through our incredible ARTEAMOR Artist Network along with sponsors like you, we can help change the lives of thousands of children, bringing them joy and opportunity.
“Imagine if every person on this planet did something to change another person's life for the better... What a different world we would live in!”
founder Dilia Jelen
arteamor map
Where our children are from.